b. 1944
Anupam Sud did a diploma in Fine Arts from the College of Art
New Delhi from 1962 to 1967, during the same decade that
Somnath Hore was retooling and revitalizing the college’s printmaking
department. In 1967 she received the British Council
scholarship and studied printmaking at Slade School of Art,
University College, London. Anupam was the youngest member
of “Group 8”, an association of artists at the college that was
founded by her teacher Jagmohan Chopra. She was the head of
department for Printmaking at the Government College of art
in Delhi from 1978 to 2003. Sud has won 19 awards between
1969 and 1985 besides participating in exhibitions in India and
abroad. Her works are in many private and public collections
including NGMA. The artist lives and works in Delhi.